Canadian History, Identity and Culture
with Mr. Spencer

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If you have any questions about this assignment please send a message via
e-mail. Answer all questions in complete sentences and include part of the question in each of your answers. Refer to your textbook Brune, Nick et al "Defining Canada: History, Idenity and Culture", McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 2003 ISBN:0-07-091383.

   Unit # 5

   Topic: Canada's First Peoples

During class, make jot notes on the video called "Canada : a people's history. Series 1 & 2" (When the world began.) about
Shawnadithit , CBC Television and Morningstar Entertainment, 2000. Catalogue#:971 Can If you missed the video, you may sign it out from the Brampton Library.

Thinking ____/60 marks

Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your notebook.

Canada's Earliest Peoples
1. (page 4) Describe the details of the earliest dated human remains found in Canada.

2. (page 4) Why is Archaeology called a destructive science? Explain.

3. (page 6) Describe the effects on Canada caused by the last ice age.

4. (page 6) Summarize the details and significance of Beringia.

5. (page 6-7) Summarize the details and significance of the Blue Fish Caves.

6. (page 7) Summarize the details and significance of the Coastal Route Theory.

7. (page 8) Why were archaeologists pleased to find the "atlatl" ?

8. (page 9) Define the term "Archaic" .

9. (pages 11-12) Summarize the archaeological date, location, find and significance of L'Anse-Amour.

10. (page 12) What is radiocarbon dating?

11. (page 13) List the regional names for the Archaic Peoples of the Atlantic.

12. (pages 18 - 19) Read "The Woodland Peoples". Summarize the details and significance of the archaeological find near Peterborough (Serpent Mounds).

13. (page 21) Summarize the World Heritage Site location and significance of Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump.

14. (page 26) List five (5) things that traditional stories and oral history of Aboriginal People provides for the historian.

15. (pages 31 -32)
a) Describe the hunting and farming techniques of the Iroquoians.
b) Include an explanation of the "three sisters" and their homes.

16. (pages 33-34) List the names of the five nations, describe their area and government of the " Haudenonsauncee" .

17. (page 36) What happened to the nations of the Huron, Neutral and Petun between the years 1648 to 1649?


First Contact with Aboriginal Peoples

18. (page 42) Summarize the misconceptions about the north American Aboriginal Peoples and horses.

19. (page 44-45) Though both bison and buffalo belong to the same family, Bovidae, the term 'buffalo' properly applies only to the Asian Water Buffalo and African Buffalo. Therefore, only bison were found on the plains of Canada and the United States.
a) Summarize the food sources and the importance of the bison to the Plains Peoples.
b) Describe at least five (5) uses of the bison.

20. (page 45-46) Explain the significance of the tepee to the women of the Plains Peoples.

21. (page 46) Summarize the spiritual ideas and ceremonies of the Plains Peoples.

22. (page 50 -51) Summarize the European contact with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.

23. (page 57 -59) Summarize the technology developed by the Inuit.

24. (page 66) Outline the three characteristics of contact as defined by Bitterli.

25. (page 66) List the four (4) contacts described between 1000 and 1915.

26. (page 67) Why is the archaeological discovery made by Helge Ingstad and his wife significant to Canadian history?

27. (page 68- 69) What was Giovanni Caboto's (John Cabot) mission?

28. (page 69) Describe John Cabot's codfish discovery.

29. (page 69) What were the effects of the news about the codfish discovery?

30. (page 71 -72)

a) Who were the Beothuk?
b) Summarize the negative impact the Europeans made on the Beothuk.
c) (page 74) Why was William Cormack intrigued with Shawnadithit?

31. (page 73) List the diseases brought by the Europeans and the statistics verifying the number of North American Aboriginal people killed.

32. (page 75) Outline the theory of Divine Right of Kings.

33. (page 77) Describe Jaques Cartier's mission.

34. (page 77) List three positive accomplishments of Cartier.

35. (page 82) List examples where the Aboriginal Peoples refused to accept exploitation or the imposition of foreign intruders.

First Nations Today: Internet Research
Log onto the web here <>

36. Who are the Assembly of First Nations

To search for a word on a web page press Control key "F" and type in the word or date you are looking for. On a Mac computer type Apple key "F".

37. What did Canada's "1927 Indian Act" forbid First Nations people from forming?

38. What happended to Aboriginal children attending residential schools?

39. How would the Canadian Federal Liberal Government's
1969 White Paper policy negatively affect First Nations culture and traditions?

40. Prior to 1983 what were First Nations People excluded from?

41. When did the Government of Canada begin settling Aboriginal land claims?

Copy down the Sentences and Fill in the Blanks

42. Today, the Canadian Federal Government's Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Department's primary role is to ___________________First Nations and Inuit in developing healthy, sustainable _______________________ and in achieving their ______________ and social aspirations. INAC negotiates comprehensive and specific _____________   _____________ and self-government ___________ on behalf of the federal government, oversees implementation of ________________ and promotes economic development. It is responsible for delivering provincial-like services such as ________________, housing, and community ________________ to Status Indians on-reserve, and for delivering social ________________ and social support services to residents on-reserve with the goal of ensuring access to services comparable to those available to other Canadian ________________.

43. In Peterborough, Ontario visitors to the Canadian ________________________ Museum will learn about a symbol of Canadian unity that joins Aboriginal cultures to the two founding cultures of Canada - _______________ and ________________.

44. Select one (1) Aboriginal Success Story from Across Canada. View the video and the transcript. Write a summary paragraph outlining this success story.


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This Canadian history, identity and culture is copyrighted © 2003- by David M.R.D. Spencer