Physical Geography:
Patterns , Processes and Interactions
with David

Your name: ____________________
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If you have any questions about this assignment please send a message via e-mail.

  Unit # 1

   Topic: Introduction to Physical Geography


Part A: Introductions and Logistics

Part B: Fill out and hand in the Student Info Sheet. Complete the General Knowledge Survey. Thinking = ___/ 5 marks

Part C: On a full page, copy down the "What is Physical Geography?" mind map chart from the blackboard. Make sure that you neatly print the woprds and include the bubbles and lnes that connect ideas.

What is Physical Geography?

Communication = ___/ 10 marks


Part D: Homework due next class.

Media Report

1. Find a media article that relates to physical geography, natural disasters, climate change or primary industry. Provide the media source (Newspaper, Magazine or pofessional blog name, date and page number. Write a summary of the story.

Thinking and Inquiry = ___/ 10 marks


Definition of Terms

2. a) Use a dictionary,glossary and the web dictionaries listed below to define the following physical geography terms.
b) For each term, write a geography related sentence that helps to explain the meaning of the term.
US Geological Survey Geologic Glossary <>
US Geological Survey Glossary <>
Geoexplorer Dictionary <>
Okanagan University College Glossary <>
Wikipedia Geography Page <>

Merriam- Webster Dictionary <>
Cambridge Dictionary <>

Physical Geography Terms

a) anticyclone

e) condensation

i) GPS

b) aurora borealis

f) desertification

j) igneous

c) biosphere

g) equinox

k) stalactite

d) chlorofluorocarbons

h) geologist

l) troposphere

Thinking and Inquiry = ___/ 24 marks


Creative Story

3. Write a one to two page creative story about a disaster that strikes a community somewhere in the world. It can be a real disaster or fictitious. Consider a drought,famine,hurricane,flood,tornado,volcano or water poisoning. You may put yourself in the story as the rescuer or victim. Include locations, dates, characters and their dialogue.

Application = ___/ 20 marks

World Maps

4. On the maps of the world provided, use an atlas to label every country in the world. Label each country in UPPER CASE lettering. Follow the diagram "Six Components of a Great Map". Refer to the maps in your school agenda book, the Oxford Canada Atlas in our classroom and/or map services such as Maps

Communication = ___/ 40 marks 

Sight Reading Skills

Log onto the web here <>.
Click on this
tsunami link . Scan the story with your eyes (don't print it) to find the following answers.

5. What is a tsunami?

6. What triggered the December 26, 2004 tsunami?

7. According to the Richter scale how powerful was this disturbance?

8. a) Describe the height of the tsunami that hit Alaska in July 9, 1958.
b) How does this height compare to the height of the
CN Tower.

9. Could a tsunami hit Canada? Explain.

10. Examine this map. Name the most western (left), northern (top) and eastern (right) country that was hit by the December 26, 2004 tsunami.

11. Which tsunami photo emotionally impacts you the most. Why? Explain.


12. a) Log on to the web here <> and make jot notes about plagiarism and how to recognize unacceptable and acceptable paraphrases.
b) Send David an e-mail message in the following format. You may "cut and paste" if you wish.

From: "You" (your e-mail program will add this address)
Topic: Physical Geography e-mail Assignment

Day Month,Year

Dear David:

Topic: Physical Geography e-mail Assignment

1. Five things I have noticed about the natural environment, weather or natural resources are...


2. If you had an extra $15 000, which region of the world would you like to explore? Why? Explain.

3. Something interesting about me is...(interest,hobby,travel,skill).

4. Define the term plagiarism .......

5. As a student, I should not plagiarize other student's work, essays or any information from the Internet for the following three (3) reasons:

Yours truly,

First Name Last Name

Communication = ___/ 15 marks

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This physical geography lesson is copyrighted © 2003- by David M.R.D. Spencer